
Wash hands before cleaning your new tattoo or piercing!

DERMSHIELD After Care Instructions:

  1. Keep your dermshield on for 4 - 6 days.

  2. Take dermshield off in the shower or under room temperature water.

  3. Wash your tattoo carefully with antibacterial soap and water. DO NOT scrub tattoo.

  4. After you’ve taken off the dermshield, make sure it’s dry and apply after care twice a day, for two weeks.

  5. You may apply vitamin E oil or any non-scented lotions to moisturize your skin, please don’t overuse the product you are applying.

Without DERMSHIELD After Care Instructions:

  1. Leave plastic wrap on for 1 hour.

  2. Take plastic wrap off after the first hour. Wash your tattoo with antibacterial soap and water. DO NOT scrub tattoo.

  3. Let your tattoo dry, then apply aftercare twice a day after each wash for 1 week.

  4. After first week, apply vitamin E oil or any non-scented lotion twice a day for 1 week.

Piercing Aftercare Instructions:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap and water

  2. Spray saline on non woven gauze to soak the piercing, and use Q - tip to remove residue and “crusties”

  3. It is not necessary to rinse product away, but use clean, running water if you do.

  4. Check to make sure your jewelry is still tight.

Oral Piercings:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap and water.

  2. Swish gently with an alcohol - free mouthwash, diluted with 50/50 distilled or bottled water for 30 - 60 seconds.

  3. You may rinse your mouth with bottled water if you wish.

  4. Check to make sure your jewelry is still tight.

Avoid while healing:

  1. Avoid using alcohol, peroxide, ointments or oils.

  2. Avoid touching your piercing, exceptional for when cleaning.

  3. Avoid getting lotions, makeup, body/face wash in or around your piercing.

  4. Avoid pools, lakes, hot tubs, bodies of water, etc.

  5. Avoid over-cleaning your piercing, this can cause more harm than good. May cause the healing process to be slower if over-cleaning.

  6. Avoid tight clothing against fresh body piercings.

Please do not submerge your new tattoo or piercing in water until it is fully healed. Please do not go in the sun without putting on sunscreen to your tattoo to prevent fading. We do not recommend going to the pool, beach, gyms, etc. while your new tattoo or piercing is in the healing process as this can lead to infection if you do not properly follow instructions.

Thank you for choosing our studio for all your tattoo and piercing needs

Please call the studio for any questions about your new tattoo.


Phone: (321) 247 - 5039